Voting for biggboss tamil (online voting): Are you going to vote for biggboss tamil season two . You are in the correct place to vote your favorite contests in biggboss tamil. You can vote your favorite contests in this website.

Vote for Bigg Boss Tamil Season 2:
At the weekend every week one person will be eliminated by the voting system. You can vote for bigg boss for two person. The bigg boss contests with less voting will be eliminated every week. Bigg boss is the program in theĀ in the star vijay. The voting table is given below.
1. Bigg boss Tamil voting

[IT_EPOLL id=”1017″][/IT_EPOLL]
2. Bigg boss voting via google

It is also easier to vote your favorite contests. The steps are given below.
- Sign in with your gmail.
- Search in the google without quotes”Biggboss tamil vote”.
- Vote your favorite contests.
Note: You can vote two persons only with a gmail.
3. Bigg boss voting via missed calls
You can also vote bigg boss tamil by the missed calls. The phone numbers are given below in the table. Choose your favorite contests and missed call for the respective contests
Name | Phone numbers |
Vote for Yashika Aanand | |
Vote for Thaadi Balaji | |
Vote for Riythvika | |
Vote for Mumtaz | 8367796808 |
Vote for Riythvika | |
Vote for Ananth Vaidyanathan | 8367796802 |
Vote for Ponnambalam | 8367796810 |
Vote for Mamathi Chari | 8367796807 |
Vote for Nithya | |
Vote for Mahat |
Recent Gallery of Tamil biggboss 2

Now you successfully voted your favorite stars in biggboss tamil. Lets start discussion in the below comments section. Lets see who will win in the biggboss tamil season 2. Share this to your friends and family members. Thanks for reading.