PUBG Mobile Pro Tips to Get Winner winner chicken dinner


PUBG mobile tips: Looking for PUBG Pro tips?, here is the best PUBG mobile tips to get winner winner chicken dinner. 

PUBG Pro tips: Tancent games developed the PUBG game. At first it was launched only for PC and it was not free. When PUBG was launched in mobile it made big change in the mobile gaming. Now clash of clans fans are changed to PUBG fans. COC users is decreasing very fast.

You must be a pro player to win the match in PUBG. Our PUBG tips will make you a Pro player. Lets begin…

PUBG mobile Tips to win

1. Don’t be in a single place

If you waiting for any enemy through the window or in a top floor then you must face the sniper attack by the and you can easily head-shot by your enemies by scope.

Alternative: Use the Peek and slightly look over the window to overcome this situation.

2. Landing place

In PUBG the landing place is very important. You must land on the high populated areas like pochinki. After you got the guns be aggressive and kill all the enemies. For solo match pochinki is the best place because the best place to loot.

3. Best place to loot

The best and safe place is the hacienda Del patron. kar98 guns are not found in the pochinki. Look at the below map.

PUBG tips
image credits:

4. Sniper attack

After you have a scope and sniper guns go to the top of the mountain and sit in the best place to hide. It is the best way to give a fear to the enemy.

5. Run backward and jump

If you and enemy and in very short distance then you must move backward along jumping make a circle with you and your enemy.

Note: Don’t use scope if the enemy is near. If you use scope, your can’t move.

6. In sniper training

In sniper training if enemy is near by you then you must use the pistol to shoot faster.

Finally winner winner chicken dinner!

You finally got the winner winner chicken dinner award with our tips. I hope these pro tips must useful to you. If this tips worked for you share it with your friends. Thanks for reading.



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