Restrooms near me: Want to search the restrooms near you?, Here is the guide to find restrooms near your exact location.
If you are travelling in the unknown region and its the time to use the restrooms nearby you, Google and some applications let you to find the restrooms nearby you for free. For finding the bathrooms nearby you follow our two best methods.
1. Finding bathrooms nearby by Google
Did you know in the google shows the bathrooms nearby you. In the search results it displays the bathrooms and its ratings.
Type “Restrooms nearby me” in the google search.
Note: don't search in the incognito.
The nearby bathrooms are displayed at first. The screenshot is below.
Select any one of the toilet and google locate it in the map.
2. By using External Applications
Some applications finds the restrooms near your current location.
For Android:
[appbox googleplay com.bto.toilet&hl=en]
For iOS:
[appbox appstore id311896604?mt=8]
Wrapping up
I hope finally you got the nearby restrooms. Share if you loved this post. Thanks for reading.