Last update: June 2020
Are you curious to see who viewed your facebook profile? well, we are going to share the step by step guide to find who viewed your facebook profile.
I know you wondered when I tell who viewed my facebook profile?. We find the 100% working trick to find your facebook profile visitors easily. I know you are in the right place.
Facebook is the popular social media in the world and it is used over 1+ billion all over the world. On Facebook, we can explore our friends and chat with them. All you have one or more facebook account, well I have 3 facebook accounts. We share out photos and stories in the facebook and let our friends see them and react to that images and stories. some people thinks that there is no way to see who viewed my facebook profile?.
The messaging process is carried out by the separate app called facebook messenger. If you feel bored in messenger read our guide to send messages facebook without messenger.
The man behind the facebook was Mark Zuckerberg. Mark and his college friends developed the facebook and release it on February 4, 2004. Initially the facebook was not popular and people were not turning towards the facebook. At that time twitter is the biggest social media. Days passed by people gets bored with the twitter and the facebook gave birth to the twitter haters. After the latest updates of facebook at that time, people gets attracted towards the facebook. At first, facebook is limited to only Harvard university students because they developed for the college purpose.
Facebook created another popular and hottest social media called Instagram which is also like facebook. Facebook users turned towards to the instagram because instagram looks different from the facebook. In Facebook everybody wants likes where in Instagram everyone wants followers.
Also read: How to recover disabled facebook account
Tinder needs a facebook account to sign-in. Without facebook account, you can not register tinder. We recently shared the working method to use tinder without facebook. Check that guide.
In facebook every user have the profile you can search and visit their profile. I know you are very curious to see who visited your facebook profile. We recommend to read the entire article and share with your friends and let them know this trick.
How to find who viewed my facebook profile
lets see the two tested ways to find who viewed your facebook profile
Note: There is no way to find the persons who visited your profile in your phone the two methods can be done on PC.
1. Using third-party apps
Some of the third party apps for facebook finds the persons who visited your facebook profile. The steps to use these third party extensions to find out who viewed your facebook profile are below.
- Download and install the social profile view and notification google chrome extension. The download link is below.
[appbox chromewebstore pegkceflonohbcefcbflfpficfkmpeod]
- After the extension was successfully added the extension will appear in the top right corner of your browser.
Who viewed my facebook profile - After installed go to and login with your email address and password.
- You will find the visitors option at the right top and it is next to find-friends.
- Click the visitors to see who viewed your facebook profile.
How harmful using 3rd party apps?
It is very dangerous to use the third party apps or browser extensions to allow them to view your facebook profile. Some of the 3rd party apps can be a virus and it can damage your device too. Most of the facebook profile visitors apps are fake. We recommend to follow another method to see the facebook profile visitors.
Also read: How to view facebook full site
2. Using page source to find out who visited your facebook profile
This method needs no 3rd party apps. You can manually find out your facebook profile visitors easily. Follow the below steps.
- Go to and navigate to your profile.
- Right click and click view page source or use the keyboard shortcut “ctrl+U“.
How to check who viewed my faceboook account - Automatically it loads the page source of the page.
- Click Ctrl + F to open the search box.
- Search “InitialChatFriendsList” (without quotes). After it locates the word scroll down.
Who Viewed my Facebook Profile After some line, you’ll find a list of 15 numbers. The 15 numbers are the user’s ID.
Who viewed my facebook profile - Copy those 15 numbers and past it on 15 digit number and load the page.
Who viewed my facebook profile? - Those IDs are those people who visited your profile.
Using this trick you can find who viewed your facebook profile. Both of the tricks were unofficial. We would like you to share this article with your friends. If you have another method to find who viewed your facebook profile, let us know about the method in the comments section. Thanks for reading.